Friday, 19 April 2013

People, They Frustrate Me Endlessly.

The title says it all really.

Simply put, I DESPISE it when people take things so seriously they can't have their opinion challenged by a simple joke. What's the point? If we don't have humour in our lives what do we have?

An awful lot of misery, that's what. I hate to seem like a 'negative Nelly', but in life we have to put up with seemingly endless strife, worry, heartbreak, and all kinds of awful situations that can wear people down to nothing as it is. If we were to then deny any kind of relief from such hardships, even to the extent of poking fun at life's less fair moments, there would simply be no one left. Everyone would have ended it all and the human race would be no more.

When life has you in a bad spot, and nothing can be done, why not just laugh? Yes, it is bad. No, it may not get much better. But why should that stop you from FEELING better about it? Taking life with a pinch of salt is often the only way you can put up with it. If you treat every single aspect of our measly, pathetic existence on this shitty bit of Petri Dish debris floating about in space like it's life or death... What do you expect, really? Will moaning at others about how very shit it all is help? Will taking jokes too seriously and snapping at the person help the matter, or potentially ruin a good friendship just because the subject of the joke differs from your own personal opinion?

All life is subjective. We make our own reality by experiencing it through our own eyes. Nothing you see may be the same for anyone else who has ever existed. What you see as red another may see as what you call green.

Nothing may be what it seems.

We live in a universe where, by some astronomical chance, order just happened to spring from chaos.

Our lives are fleeting and very possibly without true meaning.

There is no point to you existing.

Nothing can be predicted in utter chaos.

Reality could end any second now and you're helpless to stop it.

You are all alone in an infinite vacuum of chaos.

So what's the point?

...Because it's a chicken and it has no idea what it's doing.



Now go live a full life, free from worry and pain and misery.

And for fuck's sake lighten up.

I love you all. :)
